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Re: Installing an i386 OS on an ia64 system

On 10.11.06 21:55, Bill Wohler wrote:
> So with 64 bit comes a larger address space. I suppose throughput
> should be faster two, no?

No. With 64bit comes larger address space, the CPU may address more memory.
But as long as CPU has 64bit data bus, it may transfer 64bit of data at one
time. However, Pentium MMX was able to do this (AFAIK) since it hat 64bit
MMX registers, and since odrinary Pentium already had 64bit data bus (to be
able to transfer two 32bit numbers at all). I don't know if amd64 has bigger
(128 bit?) data bus...

when a CPU has 64bit registers, it's able directly work with 64bit operands,
instead of emulating them with 32bit instructions as before.
(iirc, some SSE/mmx2 instructions could do that too, I don't know if they
were used by gcc)

> Why, why, why, did the Debian developers rename the Linux kernel's
> designation "x86_64" to "amd64"?!?!?!


Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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