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Re: German "Umlaute" in OpenOffice

On 11/7/06, Dietrich Bollmann <d.bollmann@tu-berlin.de> wrote:
I found a way to make the US international keyboard work in uxterm:
after entering

setxkbmap us_intl

I could display German Umlaute by using the sequences  "u, "U, ... in
uxterm but OpenOffice would display some Japanese Kanji instead and
emacs wouldn't display ' and " anymore at all...

I could enter Umlaute in OpenOffice using the German Keyboard (setxkbmap
de) but emacs doesn't like this new keyboard either and I do not like
'z' at the place of 'y' and the other way around...

A US international keyboard layout working everywhere would be nice...



so you would like a us international keyboard layout ?  Ok, you should
check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and you should find a line that is like
this one:

Option          "XkbLayout"

After XkbLayout is the name of the layout you are currently using. For
the us international you should use:

Option          "XkbLayout"   "us_intl"

Remember to restart the graphical environment after the change. I hope
this will help you.

Best regards,
Sergio Cuellar

"Meine Hoffnung soll mich leiten
Durch die Tage ohne Dich
Und die Liebe soll mich tragen
Wenn der Schmerz die Hoffnung bricht"

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