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Re: How many DDs are there?

s. keeling wrote:
>    - Why did /usr/bin/grep disappear ?

A better question might be, when did it disappear? Certianly before the
release of woody. If you can find the release of Debian that removed it,
if it ever existed, I'll happily go back and look up the rationalle for
removing it.

>      Yes, /bin/grep is still there,
>      but why is /usr/bin/grep not there now?  /usr/bin/zsh is still
>      there alongside /bin/zsh.  Curious.  :-|

/usr/bin/zsh is hardcoded in /etc/passwd, one of the few legitimate
places to hardcode a path to a program (#! lines being the other main
one, and random shell scripts that run grep _not_ being a legitimate one).

So it's not a good idea to move it quickly and so the link is left for

>    - At times, Debian can look like "OS by committee."  Eeww.

It's quite possible to argue that Debian is everything between that and
a collection of maintainers each walled up in their own cell and having
complete control over their own packages.

>    - There's always some "gotcha" involved in going from (eg.) Woody
>      to Sarge.  hotplug/udev, xfree86/xorg, ...  Usually, these are
>      outside Debian's control, however at times, they can appear
>      capricious (a la /usr/bin/grep and /bin/grep).

When was the last time you upgraded some other OS from the software of 2+
years ago to the software of today without reinstalling?

see shy jo

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