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Re: Mail Issues (pt 2 )

Ron Johnson wrote:
On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 11:58 -0400, Rich Johnson wrote:
On May 12, 2006, at 11:03 AM, Richard wrote:

Thought I would re-explain myself

Regarding Mail,
What I wanted to do, if possible,
is to have the mail fetch from pop3 accounts (several)  
( thousands ) avg 2800 per day
and have spam filters applied and rules applied, and move into  
folder, as pure text messages,
with header intact.

If I understand correctly:
A straightforward fetchmail -> exim4/spamassassin configuration  
Or postfix instead of exim4.

using  Maildir format should handle this without difficulty.  I  
You definitely want to use Maildir instead of mbox.

handle ~1K messages per day with just such a setup.   I handle the  
sorting with .forward rules, though I suppose you could also use  
exim4 pipe/process filters or an external ''delivery agent'' for more  
sophisticated filtering. (I hope I have the terminology right)
Yes, a Mail Delivery Agent like maildrop.

maildrop integrates well with courier-IMAP (which uses Maildir).

And with IMAP (even if it's on your workstation) you get MUA
independence, for example if, in my case running experimental and
Sid, Evolution breaks or as happened last week, X breaks.

In that case, I used Mutt from the console and had complete access
to my old emails.

I'd first setup and test exim4 and spamassassin, then configure  
fetchmail to feed exim4 from the popboxes.

What you're doing differently is that you're _keeping_ the messages  
(255K of them) whereas I purge any mailboxes with >10K messages.  If  
you choose to use Maildir, I'd advise that you configure your system  
to limit the number of messages maintained in a particular  
directory.  I think funny things can happen on ext2 filesystems when  
directory nodes contain >2^15 entries.
Really?  I've got a directory with 700,000 files in it, and while
first-access takes a minute to pull into cache, after that it 
works fine.

$ dir /data/01
total 12148
drwxr-xr-x   6 root root       4096 Oct 16  2005 ./
drwxr-xr-x   4 root root       4096 Oct 16  2005 ../
drwxr-xr-x   7 root root       4096 Oct  4  2005 051003.2352/
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root      49152 Oct 15  2005 lost+found/
drwxrwxr-x   6 me   people     4096 Jun 14  2005 share/
drwxrwx--x 259 me   me     12345344 Apr 30 15:07 temp/

What components would I need to make this work for pop3 accounts ( no imap)
again, keep all in pure text format of the emails, that any word processor or text editior can read.

heard of sql solution that could handle millions of emails. ( but nothing for linux as of yet. )

Thanks ++

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