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printing in Debian/need unstable users opinion

Hi users of 'unstable' Debian:
The included messages was posted to the debian-devel mailing list. It
outlines some of the issues with the upcomming transition from gimpprint
to gutenprint. I want to know if this kind of messages would be useful to other
users of 'unstable' for this and other transitions that are being done
in 'unstabe' (ie. the xfree->xorg and gnome 2.8->2.10) I think it would
be a great service to those testing debian and those using unstable to
get the 'heads up' as to what is about to break or what is about to
change. Kinds of like a weather report of impending tsumanis. I would
propose an 'annouce-only' list as debian-user and the BTS are places to
discuss things. There are folks who say that users of unstable should
just take what comes their way and should be expected to read every
known mailing list to find out what is happening in Debian. But I think
this would be an easy way for the Developers to let us know whats
comming in a short email, instead of having millions of users to scratching their
heads and googling for hours to explain what just happened.
Any thoughts? 

----- Forwarded message from Roger Leigh <rleigh@whinlatter.ukfsn.org> -----

From: Roger Leigh <rleigh@whinlatter.ukfsn.org>
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2005 10:13:17 +0100
To: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, debian-printing@lists.debian.org
Cc: Andrew Lau <netsnipe@users.sourceforge.net>,
	Pawel Wiecek <coven@debian.org>, Kenshi Muto <kmuto@debian.org>,
	Masayuki Hatta <mhatta@debian.org>, Jonas Smedegaard <dr@jones.dk>,
	Chris Lawrence <lawrencc@debian.org>
Subject: Gutenprint entering unstable
X-FOLDER: /home/kevin/Mail/debiandevel

Hash: SHA1

Hi folks,

Gutenprint (the new name for Gimp-Print 5.0) will enter unstable
today, and a number of changes come with it.

I have made a great deal of effort to ensure smooth upgrades, and it
was uploaded to experimental two weeks ago for further testing, but
there may be rough edges.  Please report any problems during or after
the upgrade to debian-printing, or file bugs against the appropriate

* CUPS (cupsys-driver-gimpprint) users should upgrade without problems
  (there's a dummy transitional package).  They might need to tweak
  the printer settings by hand afterwards.  If the colour balance is
  way out, you might want to replace the PPD with a new one (the
  settings are preserved from the old PPD, but these may no longer be

* ijsgimpprint users will be transitioned to ijsgutenprint with a
  dummy transition package.  However, any ijsgimpprint-using scripts
  or programs *will break*, due to the binary being renamed to
  ijsgutenprint.5.0.  These will need fixing.

* LPRng users may have problems, depending on their filter setup.
  Users of the gs 'stp' filter should switch to 'ijs' with the
  'ijsgutenprint.5.0' IJS server.  Users of the ijsgimpprint driver
  should switch to ijsgutenprint.5.0.

* Foomatic users should install the new Foomatic data
  (foomatic-db-gutenprint).  This does not yet conflict or replace the
  old foomatic-db-gimp-print, but may do so in the future if there is
  a need.

* gs-gpl and gs-esp *must* remove the STP patch.  If they don't, they
  will shortly FTBFS after libgimpprint1-dev is removed.

  There also appears to be an issue with the IJS driver: it won't
  allow the use of a symlink to a binary as the IJS server name.  The
  Gutenprint IJS server is installed as /usr/bin/ijsgutenprint.5.0.,
  but a symlink is provided as /usr/bin/ijsgutenprint for convenience
  (packagers should always use the versioned name).

* apsfilter must remove the STP option (currently marked deprecated),
  and the ijsgimpprint option must be renamed to ijsgutenprint.

The maintainer of the ijs and gutenprint source packages has been
changed to "Debian Printing Group <debian-printing@lists.debian.org>".
I am currently the only Uploader, but I would like to get them group
maintained, so any printing maintainers who are interested in either
should get in touch.

I would also highly recommend any maintainers of printing or
printing-related packages to subscribe to debian-printing.


- -- 
Roger Leigh
                Printing on GNU/Linux?  http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net/
                Debian GNU/Linux        http://www.debian.org/
                GPG Public Key: 0x25BFB848.  Please sign and encrypt your mail.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/>


To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-devel-REQUEST@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org

----- End forwarded message -----

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