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Re: Top posting

Wim De Smet wrote:

I think it's not necessarily wrong to use top posting. I just feel
like both manners of posting have their place. When you are just
including a mail for reference to something, and then make a reply
that is partly unrelated, I don't mind top posting. When it's a
discussion like this one, I'd say bottom posting is the way to go.

I agree with this statement. In a conversation between two people, where the previous messages are only included for reference, top posting makes more sense. I often top post in communications between my friends, family, and colleague at work. However, in a conversation between lots of people, like this list, or in a situation where you are answering lots of questions, like this list, bottom or inline posting makes more sense. Each has its on place. It's up to each of our own judgments, and prerogatives, to figure out when to use them. Most people using email are not aware of the benefits of bottom posting. (I wasn't until I starting using this list) This makes it important to educate new users and to have patients with people who are just learning.

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