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Re: [OT] Call to arms...so to speak

Pollywog wrote:
On 02/22/2005 12:18 am, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
Sorry for replying to myself, but I forgot to mention that could use
bochs, qemu, win4lin or VMWare to run Windows within Linux and then
run IE inside of that.  Though, from the tone of your other messages, I
am guessing that is not the solution you were looking for :-)

I use Win4Lin in part to deal with this problem of commercial websites (such
as banks and government) that are viewable or usable only with IE.

How does that work out?  I have used VMWare in the past (at a lab where
I did reasearch) and recently started using qemu.  VMWare had good
performance.  I was even able to simultaneously run 4 or 5 VMs on a
machine with an Athlon XP 1800+ and 512 MB RAM.  qemu is very easy to
get up and running, but it is a real resource hog.

That is not a slight agains qemu, rather it is caused by the differing
philosophies (VMWare does vitualization and executes mostly directly on
the host CPU and only handles x86, where qemu is an emulator that can
emulate x86, x86_64, Sparc, etc.).

I am just wondering where Win4Lin fits into the batch.

Roberto C. Sanchez

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