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Re: listening radio from the internet

On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 13:04:03 +0100, Alberto Bert <bert@isiosf.isi.it> wrote:
> I installed mplayer, but I wasn't able to make it working as a mozilla
> plugin.
> So I installed gxine. it's working perfectly with the win. media player
> formats, but it doesn't work with the real format.
> Unfortunately now gxine wants to play also the real format, even if it's
> not able, and it doesn't leave real player to do it any more.
> Is there a way to say to mozilla or to xine to don't play rpm format,
> and to leave real player do it?

This isn't really a response to your question, but did you configure
gxine to use the Real codecs?  There should be a preferences screen
where you can tell xine about directories containing various codecs. 
There's a specific option for Real media, though I don't know where it
would be on gxine.  I see it under "decoder" with the user mode set to
"Advanced" or better.

Michael A. Marsh

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