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Re: Loading Kernel Modules

Andreas Janssen wrote:

I'm compiling a custom kernel 2.6.6 on my Toshiba laptop.  One of the
things I've noticed is that it keeps loading the intel_agp and the
agpart modules.  Now in the kernel, I specified to not compile agpart
module. however it loads.

To me, that looks like you forgot to move the old module directory out
of the way when you installed the kernel (set a different EXTRAVERSION,
use kernel-package).
Hmmm. Well I physically removed the lib/modules/2.6.6 directory each time I recompiled.... does this do the same thing?

Only thing is I don't want it to load cause
I want to use nvidia's agp modules.  (I simply renamed the modules so
they can't load but the errors on startup annoy me).  Is there a file
somewhere where it specifies what modules load?

Try to put an "#" in front of this line:

/etc/modprobe.d/aliases:alias char-major-10-175 agpgart

See if maybe hotplug or discover load the driver. Make sure your XFree
is configured to use the nvidia agp driver. See the readme that is in
the nvidia-glx package.
How do I check whether hotplug of discover is loading the driver? Xfree is configured to use Nvidia.

In addition, I was trying to locate my sound drivers (I had it compile
all the modules for sound and the sound worked).  Unfortunately I
mistakenly removed it and then put it back but now when I run xmms i
get a libmikmod.so.2 not found... Any ideas?

That has nothing to do with sound. It is a known bug that you get when
you use xmms with the nvidia driver installed. Install the libmikmod2

Thanx for the info!


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