Re: First general purpose unmoderated newsgroup for Debian
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Craig Jackson wrote:
Hi Craig!
| My own idea is that PGP/GPG could save us all from spam and SMTP
| messages being clear text in one fell swoop. If everyone
| encrypted their email using GPG/PGP and refused to accept
| unencrypted email or mail not encrypted with their public key,
I agree, I use GPG (and before PGP) for a long time. And anything is
quite easy if you have a mailer that supports signing and encrypting
on the fly. Since I need a windows computer to access the internet,
I came to Mozilla/Enigmail (since it exists on both os) and that is
great and really easy. But even if I read mail in a textmode console
window, I don't have any problem with signed mail at all (mutt).
I use some procmail filter to check, if a signed mail is really
vaild (same with encrypted) and the senders key is in my own
(list-)keyring. So all these mails won't be spam and need no further
So IMHO signing can also be much useful on mailinglists too, since
it can keep spammers out (hey, is there not some discussion that M$
likes to implement a senderid for the same purpose?).
I'm on some lists that require to send signed mails to it to prove
that you are not a spammer. And when I remember even
debian-devel-announce uses something like this.
Also recently I have some spam mails that have forged PGP/GPG
Headers just to make them look like signed mail :-)
- --
GPG-KeyID: 82201FC4
Available at my public keyserver
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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