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Re: console Usenet newsreader with UTF-8/ISO conversion (or a good news2mail gateway)

#include <hallo.h>
* Shot [Mon, Mar 29 2004, 02:13:34PM]:

> I'm looking for a good Usenet newsreader that would satisfy the
> following requirements (i.e. work the way Mutt does for email):
> - console-based
> - able to display the incoming posts in UTF-8
> (recoding them from their original encoding)

Not exactly what you need, but rxvt-unicode (in Sid) seems to detect
Latin1 chars and converts them accordingly before displaying. So I use
"slrn" though it does not support charset recoding and shows all chars

> - allow to use vi as the editor of choice

Vim has its own method of charset guessing and tries to detect a
traditional encoding, converts it to the terminal encoding and converts
it back to original encoding on saving.

  der wahrscheinlich längste Geldschein der Welt

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