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Re: installation, Linux source code

On 2004-03-12, Chris Metzler penned:
> 30% are trolls;
> 30% are expressions of opinion without substantive explanation/
> 	justification (the equivalent of "Me too!" or "Not me!");
> 30% are "explanations" of configuration procedures, or software
> 	capabilities, or scientific issues, or whatever --
> 	things about which one can be factual -- that are
> 	absolutely wrong;
> 10% are legitimate content, with insightful opinions, or correct
> 	explanations of coding principles or configuration options
> 	or the implications of scientific paradigms or whatever
> 	(but of that 10%, half of it is redundant to something
> 	posted earlier in the discussion).
> . . .so you're really reading for about 5-10% of the discussion
> content.  If that.  And it takes time to sort through all the crap
> to find the worthwhile comments.  And on those occasions where I
> sit down and read /., I get to the end of an hour, and look at
> what I actually *learned* over that hour, and think "man, I could
> have spent that time a lot better."

Are you taking advantage of the filtering features?  I read slashdot at
+3, waiting till there's a decent body of posts, and it's not nearly as
bad as you describe above.  Blatant inaccuracies are often identified
and either modded down or commented upon by posts that are then modded

I've considered setting my filter even higher, but for now, this will


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