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Re: Creating pdf documents under woody

On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 11:40:16PM +0100, Jonathan Schmitt wrote:
> >The quick version: what's the best way to create pdf documents under
> >woody (3.0 r2)?
> Hallo,
> Iv'e been using (successfully) ps2pdf to confert postscript to pdf and before 

Ah yes, but how do you get PS from the formats that abiword can produce?
(abw, aw, awt, dbk, fo, html, xhtml, latex, rft, wlm; some obviously
proprietary formats dropped)

> that converted dvi to postscript. As with the WYSIWYG editor, I suggest 

Ok, and how can you get dvi from the above formats?  I'm sure there must
be some obscure TeX command to do that...

> OpenOffice. I don't know whether or not 1.1 is part of woody, if not, I would 
> suggest to manually install it into /opt, as it's much better than 1.0. 

I got the debian package from 

deb http://ftp.freenet.de/pub/debian-openoffice/ woody main contrib

There is a beta 1.1 available so I installed it.  Even though it's claimed
to be able to coexist with 1.0, there is a file conflict:

openoffice.org1.1-mimelnk (1.1beta-2)

and the installation fails for that package, so I removed 1.0.3.
I would still like to find a small solution to convert one of the file
formats supported by abiword, as I have already entered my document
there.  OpenOffice 1.1 doesn't seem to understand files in awb, latex
or kwd format. After some testing, I exported rtf from abiword and
OO 1.1 can read it, but lots of information is lost (bullet lists,
numbered lists, picture truncated) either in the rtf export of the
import into OO.  So no satisfactory solution so far...

>    js

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to reply.


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