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Re: Congratulations

On Thu, Feb 19, 2004 at 10:37:09PM -0800, mal icous wrote:
> Howdy,
> i probably should not waste your time with complaints,
> but i really feel i need to get someone to listen to
> my complaints, in the purpose of making the Linux /
> Debian Distribtuion a better world / product.
> Simply put the installation of Debian Woody can be at
> best be describbed as painfull. In fact so painfull i
> would rather gargle wasps / sh1t razor blades or wipe
> my ass with coarse sand paper.

Hehe - Should be interesting to see if this tactic works better than
the more usual "Debian Sucks" subject line...

Debian can be installed by a total newbie - Debian slink was the first
linux distro I ever used - and my video card was unsupported by the
version of X in slink - so that took a while to figure out - but it
can be done. And you learn more in the long run if things go wrong
anyway. You learn about as much about linux installing most distros as
you would about about windows installing that. What's the point?

The only other distro I've ever installed is redhat where everything
happens automegically and you get to end of the process to find that:

a  You have no idea what is installed
b  There is all sorts of useless crap installed
c  It's stupid gui installer only allows you to uninstall or install
   huge chunks of packages not individual things - maybe there is a
   better way, but I never persisted long enough to find out...

I just did a clean net install of woody on a machine that required a
custom recent 2.4 kernel from boot floppies. And have done both potato
and slink installs from CDs in the past without anything really going

The process - once I got the right things compiled into the kernel -
was pretty painless - excepting that it failed on the installing the
custom kernel - but I figure that this was prolly my fault and it
worked to install the kernel manually - then just continue onto the
next step.

Maybe the the order of doing is not always guess correctly - but you
can do most install steps in the order you want - if the guesses prove

I haven't seen the sarge installer - but I hope it still gives the
same level of control.

I agree with the other post that suggests to install nothing at
install time except the minimal preselected stuff - then tweak it
later using a method of your choice.



David Purton

For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to
strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
                                 2 Chronicles 16:9a

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