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Re: jabber server howto

On Fri, Feb 13, 2004 at 12:48:35PM -0500, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
> About jabberd: Would a FQDN accessed through redirection from the
> parking site be a problem to run the server? 

Shouldn't be, the destination server name is specified in the XML data
sent to the server.  Provide the server is configured to be responsible
for the destination the client is attempting to reach it shouldn't
matter how it gets there.

> I am thinking about redirecting the top domain name to a server here
> in my home, semistatic ip address, changes three times a year may be.
> Given the nature of the procedure, we don't expect many to try to
> intrude into the system. 

You can configure the server to not allow inband registration (client's
requesting and creating new accounts) and instead use some of the tools
at jabberstudio.org to create the accounts.

> You had mentioned a script that makes the installation process more
> less automatic, I don't remember seing any questions asked, was it
> then not interactive?

No, the configuration of the Jabber server does not yet use DebConf.
By default the server is set with a name of localhost which and is fully
functional this way.  Your JID would be something@localhost and many
clients allow you to manually specify the IP or name of the server.

For now all configuration needs to be done manually in either
/etc/jabber/jabber.xml or /etc/jabber/jabber.cfg depending on what you
wish to change.  All settings can be changed in /etc/jabber/jabber.xml,
the /etc/jabber/jabber.cfg is simply for convience of setting the host
and spool location without editing the xml directly.

Jamin W. Collins

"Never underestimate the power of very stupid people in large groups."
-- John Kenneth Galbraith

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