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apache won't start although no errors

This one is weird.

I'm running apache 1.3, and just did a restart, and it won't come up.

When I execute 'apachectl start' I get:

root@server1:$ apachectl start
Processing config directory: /etc/apache/conf.d
Processing config file: /etc/apache/conf.d/phpmyadmin

Which is pretty normal.

But when I check to see if it's running, it's not.  No PID.  Nothing.

When I execute 'apachectl configtest' I get:

root@server1:$ apachectl configtest
Processing config directory: /etc/apache/conf.d
Processing config file: /etc/apache/conf.d/phpmyadmin
Syntax OK

So my httpd.conf file is just fine.

/var/log/apache/error.log doesn't give any clues.

What am I missing?  In a bit of a panic here ...


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