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Re: ssh & X11 Authentication Issue - Advice Please

Anonymous coward <trevor@yarde.com> writes:

>>Anonymous coward <trevor@yarde.com> writes: I have to admit that is
>>funny =)
>>I would first check /etc/ssh/sshd_config in `aspen', and see if
>>"ChallengeResponseAuthentication" is enabled.
>I made this change in my $home/.ssh/config file. If I am not mistake,
>I am fairly new to this ssh stuff, this would be my user config that
>would take presidence over my system wide settings.
>ForwardAgent yes
>ForwardX11 yes
>ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes  <-- I just entered this - no
>noticable change

Hi there.

What I really meant was to check if ChallengeResponseAuthentication was
enabled in the _server_ config, usually /etc/ssh/sshd_config (note the
"d"). ~/.ssh/config is read only by your ssh client, on the machine
which starts the connection (and overrides /etc/ssh/ssh_config, IIRC).

If the server has it disabled, you can fiddle for ages with your user
settings without change ;-)

>I also made a change and added the 'PasswordAuthenticaton no', for
>testing. At this point I can get to the 1st server, but then I am
>denied access to the other servers. This has me thinking that maybe my
>keys are botched up a bit ? Maybe I need to start from scratch on
>setting this up.. or perhals simply add more keys..

I don't think so. If your setup was workin with server A but not with B,
I'll rather check:

- Vendor (SSH/OpenSSH) and version (2.x.y, 3.z.w, etc) of sshd in each
- ssh server config's differences between A and B; this includes
  * enabled authentication methods
  * SSH protocol version (1 and/or 2) enabled
- If possible, sshd's logs of connection attempts to A and B (note:
  server logs, you'll need superuser privileges for this)

>X11 forwarding is not the problem, this is for X... correct ?  the
>authentication issue.. that is bothering me is the password
>prompting..  That would be key related .. ??

Exactly. You can have (or not) X11 forwarding regardless of the
authentication method being used. Compression is (almost always) nice
also :-)

Cristian Gutierrez			http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/~crgutier
crgutier[@]dcc.uchile.cl                        Jabber:crgutier@jabber.org

"Profanity is the one language all programmers know best." 

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