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Re: Opium [was: Re: freelance sysadmining -- superlong -- [WAS: "Red Hat recommends Windows for consumers"]]

On Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 02:17:27PM -0500, Alfredo Valles wrote:
> On Friday 14 November 2003 11:23 pm, Tom wrote:
> > compared to the taliban and the islamists, I cannot believe you are
> > acusing *US* of advocating a theocracy.  talk about head up the ass.
> But  talibans and islamists don't spend billions of dollars a year in
> weapons.  

No, they just fund terrorist groups that fly planes into occupied

> Therefore the rest of the world is more worried about a theocracy in US.

<asbestos>Personally, I've come to the conclusion that *all* blind-faith
belief (religion being the most common example of this) is dangerous,
damaging, and a sign of a sick mind.  IMHO.</asbestos>

> > It is true that margin of votes in Florida in the last election was
> > below the statistical limits.  It is neither a true statement that "Bush
> > won the election" nor is it a true statement that "Bush lost the
> > election."
> >
> > That is, the outcome was indeterminate.  So anybody else who could have
> > potentially been said to "win" would be equally illegitmate.  It kind of
> > sucks when you have a country without a president, 
> But I heard that there is some evidence of cheating in the elections in 
> Florida in favor of the republicans. So you let the cheaters won. Good 
> example for your citizens.

And I heard that there was also a lot of evidence that the Democrats
cheated, too-- they just weren't successful. *shrug*  What's done is done--
dwelling on it just breeds division.  And unlike a software project, it's
not a Good Thing for a country to try forking.

Again, all that is just my opinion.  For context, I'm (religion-wise) an
Atheistic Buddhist and (politically) a Libertarian, just in case you were

Have a nice day.

Vikki Roemer        Homepage: http://neuromancer.homelinux.com/
Registered Linux user #280021   http://counter.li.org/

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