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Re: update in sid has killed gnome-terminal


> I'm a little confused at this point.

I'm always confused--it's when I understand something that confuses me
even more ;-)

> I originally assumed you were the OP, but skimming the archives, it
> appears that you are not.

I wasn't.

> But then you also mention your own troubles, to which I see no
> previous reference in this thread.  What am I missing?

When something as catastrophic as what happened gets entered into Sid,
i.e. something really big and well used just goes belly up, I tend to
assume that other people share the same problem.

If it were "the_most_obscure_least_popular_packae.deb" then I'd understand
people getting upset about a statement that went: "I just did an upgrade
in a machine running sid and after that can't star[t] a gnome terminal

However, in this case, one of the bigger, more widely used desktops just
suddenly went belly up. Gnome's not an obscure package, and gnome-terminal
strikes me as something that lots of Debian users would notice had just

> The original poster posted a statement, not a question.  The statement
> was, "I just did an upgrade in a machine running sid and after that
> can't star a gnome terminal anymore."


> Now, granted, rudeness was probably uncalled for, but what legitemate
> response would you expect?

If one isn't feeling terribly helpful but really, really, really has to
say something:

 "I'm running Sid too and I've noticed that gnome-terminal isn't starting
  but I don't have the time to diagnose the problem for you. Could you
  please post more information?"

...or if one is feeling slightly more helpful:

 "I'm running Sid too and I've noticed this problem. Mine is related to a
  problem with the package fontconfig and libbonobo-activation4. You might
  try searching bugs.debian.org for these two packages. If you still
  can't work it  out, then try to tell us more information and then we can
  help you out."

> No version numbers or error messages were given.

Look, the problem should have been so OBVIOUS that it wouldn't take a
Doctorate in Computer Science for someone who is running Sid to work out
that there's something wrong with gnome-terminal and such. Admittedly the
question was in bad form but really - I doubt that this bug is an obscure
hard to find one.

> No question was actually asked, so your guess is as good as mine as to
> whether they want a work-around or simply want to know when the package
> will be fixed.

I'm sorry - someone who stated something akin to what was said is
obviously either asking for a work around and/or wanting to know when the
package will be fixed. I wouldn't have asked the question in such a
manner--I've been fried by the Debian community before for asking
perfectly reasonable, well set out, documented questions only to be told:

 "Oh, you're running Sid. Ha ha ha! You should know better."

I mean, I'd discovered a legitimate problem and was using the tools
available (man pages, /usr/share/doc/, google and bugs.debian.org) and
summarised what I did AND attempted to kludge a fix for it. And that's
what I got for my troubles?


> I haven't seen a single message saying, "Neener, neener, I know the
> answer but I won't tell you!"  Maybe I haven't been paying enough
> attention?

I think the fix is in "incoming"...

> opposite.  What I have found is that people on this list, and every
> technical list in which I've ever participated, expect that you at least
> try the most basic trouble-shooting before you ask a question.  If you
> don't understand a command, have you read the man page and the provided
> docs?  If you are having a problem with an application, have you at
> least bothered to figure out what version you're running?

The OP (original poster) probably should have done a little more legwork
or at least managed to post exactly went wrong with gnome-terminal. I
grant that. But just how are you going to NOT encourage brain-dead
questions when you won't take a little time thoughtfully prodding the
person asking a valid question [yes, asking a question such as
"gnome-terminal has suddenly come up with some libbonobo-activation4 error
and I don't fully understand the bug report against it" is a valid
question in my opinion]?

An onlist:

 "Well, maybe you should tell us BLAH?"


 "Ah, now I see what's wrong. This is what's wrong [or a link to some site
  that says what's wrong]."

Not everybody thinks the same and sometimes seeing an online to and fro
about how particular people diagnosed particular problems can be quite

Certainly more useful than:

 * have you checked bugs.debian.org?

The legitimate answer to that could be "for what?"

> No one wants to encourage brain-dead questions.  Even a modicum of
> effort is generally well-rewarded.

So it is :-)


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