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Re: Hardware

On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 02:36:28AM +1200, Edward Murrell wrote:
> As for ATi. Go with nVidia, same yourself the pain.

I would point out that while "My ATI 9000 isn't working" has come up a
few times on the list recently, "My NVidia isn't working" comes up all
the time.

<rant type="ideological">
With NVidia you have a choice of open-source drivers which are crappy
because NVidia won't release enough information to make them not
crappy, or NVidia's own drivers which are binary-only closed-source
and sit like a cancerous growth deep in the bowels of your system.
Yuck, yuck, yuck. Don't buy anything from NVidia. Support
open-source-friendly hardware manufacturers, go with ATI.


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