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Woody vs. Sarge vs. You've heard this before ;-)

Hey Debian-lovers,

I know this question must get asked a lot, but I wasn't able to turn
up many good answers (and the answer I'm looking for is largely an
opinion, anyhow).

I've just (re)installed Woody on my laptop for about the third time.
The first time I mucked things up severely with Partition Magic, and
the second time I tried to change all of my apt sources to testing and
do an upgrade, which destroyed a lot of perfectly good settings...

My question is whether there is a "safe" (I mean *relatively* safe)
way to move from stable to testing without serious damage, or if I'm
better off formatting and installing from the Sarge netinst CD?

I don't want the hassle of running a hybrid Woody/Sarge system, just
because I'm too lazy to deal with the depedencies, but I don't mind a
few bugs in exchange for a more recent version of KDE/gAIM/whatever.

Any suggestions or past experiences would be most illuminating.


Aaron Bieber
Graphic Design // Web Design

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