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Re: next debian stable ?

On Tue, Apr 29, 2003 at 06:53:50PM -0500, David Krider wrote:

> Let's take a concrete example. I have a Palm Tungsten. Now, someone
> else in another thread already gave me the, "Oh you poor baby; you're
> new toy doesn't work." Thanks. Lotta help there, buddy. This sort of
> jealousy will turn off those with thinner skins. To get this to work,
> I need a 2.4.20 or later kernel. Since I am unwilling to live in
> unstable, I tried testing. But not even testing has precompiled
> kernels for SMP machines. Plus, it has the added bonus of NOT HAVING

So, use testing as your default release and add the unstable sources to
your sources.list.  Then pull only what you need from unstable.  It's
not that hard.  If you'd like step-by-step instructions, let me know.

> So I downloaded the raw sources, but I suck at compiling kernels.
> (Throughout the 8 years I've used Linux, my success rate probably
> stands at 30%.) So now I have a testing system that STILL can't do
> what I need it to do. My fault? Yeah. But I don't have this problem
> with any other distro. Maybe there's more kernel stuff I could pull in
> from sid, but that's just asking for trouble. Which brings me to...

Yes and no.  I run a mix of testing and unstable for my workstations.  I
set testing as my default release and then only pull exactly what I need
from unstable to get a given application.

> Someone else was saying that they loved Debian for the "ease of
> administration." Er, right. For years, I've heard how great apt was.
> Now that I've subjected myself to it for a couple weeks, I can
> honestly say that I don't get it. 

No, you obviously don't get it.

> Red Hat and SuSE (I've not tried Mandrake enough to comment on it)
> both have done some really great work here 1) making reasonable
> assumptions about what you're likely to do with the system and 2)
> making some nice front-ends for the basics.

Certainly not my experience with RH.

Jamin W. Collins

Remember, root always has a loaded gun.  Don't run around with it unless
you absolutely need it. -- Vineet Kumar

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