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Re: One last try...

Z wrote:

On Sat, 2003-04-26 at 15:29, Kent West wrote:
Z wrote:

Or is there a way to log in as root when you
are already logged in as a routine user from a console or terminal?

Or if you want, you can log into X as a normal user, open a terminal and then use "su -" which will ask for the root password. That'll make you root in that terminal window, and it [should] automagically set up your authorization to run graphics apps as root in the X session in which you're logged in as a normal user.

Baloo corrected me on this; it's "su -m".

Z wrote more:

	For example:  Unfortunately the computers I've installed Linux on have
all had Winmodems.  Ugh.  Fortunately, I have Windows running on a box
that has a Windmodem, and it's hooked up to do what I need to do. Great! I'll just copy the article I wrote to the Winbox over the local
network so I can fax it to the editor.  Oops.  That's not ok with
Linux.  Fine by Windows. I know that.  It'll stupidly take anything on
the local network that any box wants to do (within limits for the shared
folders).  So, even though I can mount the shared folder in the Linux
box, look at the contents, even copy the content on the Winbox to the
Linux box, I can not copy a couple files to the Winbox.
I'm creative.  I'll just save it to the zip disk and [use sneakernet].
Ooops... That's not ok with Linux.  It doesn't want me to
write to the Zip drive. "Writing to device is not supported".

So, what gyrations are required to copy a file from
file:/home/Z/Documents/Articles to file:/mnt/SharedDocs (Which I believe
is the Winbox shared files folder)  What I get is "Access denied" Could
not write to etc... [cancel] [skip] [auto skip]
	It will actually write to file:/home/Z/mnt/DS1WINXP/SharedDocs but that
is a local file and doesn't write to the other computer, even though it
looks like it should. Your Eligible Too. YET.
"You're", not "your". (Sorry, my pet peeve.) If you can replace the word with "you are", you know to use the apostrophe version of the spelling. (Don't even get me started -- it's "too", not "to", if you can replace it with "also", It's "their" if it's possesive, as in "their car broke down"; it's "they're" if the word can be replaced with "they are"; it's "there" if you mean "over yonder"; it's "it's", if it the word can be replaced with "it is", otherwise it's "its" -- wait a minute; I thought I told you not to get me started :-)

I can't really address the zip drive issue, although I suspect it has to do with who is doing the mounting of the drive. To make it simple, I'd just mount the zip drive (say to /mnt/zippie), and then use sudo to copy the file from my home directory, like: sudo cp /home/z/Documents/Articles/WhyKentsAnalAboutSpelling.txt /mnt/zippie

Of course to do this, you'll need to "apt-get install sudo", then as root run "visudo" and essentially duplicate the last line, only put your username where it says "root" at the start of the line.

As far as the Windows shares go, what I do is mount the share in my home directory instead of on /mnt. If I mount it on /mnt, I vaguely remember having permission issues like what you're (see - "you are" can go here) seeing. I almost always have some samba (e.g. Windows) shares mounted, so I just keep a directory in my home directory named "netShares". Then I mount whatever I need there. For example, if I have a Windows box named "Halvin", and a share on the box named "Cobbes", and my username on the Debian box is "kent" and my username on the Windows box is "west" I'd mount it like so:
 mkdir /home/kent/netShares/Cobbes
 smbmount //Halvin/Cobbes /home/kent/netShares/Cobbes -o username=west
This'll ask for my Windows password, and after providing it I should have full read/write access to the files on the share, provided it was shared with read/write to the Windows user "west".

Keep plugging along; eventually it'll fall into place.

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