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permissions on a mounted windows fat32 drive


i have a problem accessing my windows drive as a normal user.
My mp3 collection is stored there and i want some sound in linux :)
This is the relevant entry from my fstab file. The drive is fat32
and i want to make it accessible for my user:
/dev/hda5 /mnt/windata  vfat   defaults,gid=windows,umask=007  0 0

I want to grant every user access to the drive by making them member
of the group windows.
When i do groups benedict as benedict, it doesn't show me as member of
the group windows. When i issue the same command as root, it shows that
i'm member of the group windows.
Why is there this difference?
The group file shows me correctly that i'm member of the group.

However, after i mount the drive (as root) and then go back to user
benedict,and try to access it as benedict i get "access denied"
A "ls -la" reveals this:
 drwxrwx---   12 root windows  8192   1970-01-01 01:00  windata
So users of the group windows should be able to access the windata

What am i doing wrong?
If i set this in my fstab it works but then everything is owned by
benedict instead of root and that is something that i do not want
to allow.
  /dev/hda5 /mnt/windata  vfat  
defaults,user,uid=benedict,gid=windows,umask=007  0 0

Any help is appreciated.

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