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Re: URGENT - How to shutdown Debian 3? - URGENT

On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 07:19:08PM -0000, Llies Meridja wrote:
> I have installed Debian 3 successfully but when I try shutting down I get an
> error stating that "only root can shutdown" yet when I try login as root I
> get an error saying "root cannot login from here...", How can I shut the
> system down?

Where are you trying to log in as root from?  It is true that only
root should be able to shut down the system (absent ctrl-alt-del for
reboot).  It sounds like you're trying to login over ssh.  If that's
the case, type "su -" at your command prompt, input root's password,
and then try shutting down the system with the "shutdown" command.

Happy to help,

Edward Guldemond

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