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Re: The Real Problem With Debian

* Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson@cox.net> [02-10-2002 10:24]:
> IMHO, any newbies should really try Libranet or (dare I say it),
> maybe, possibly even, <deep breath> Lindows 2.0.

Perhaps newbies should reconsider if they want to be newbies at all.
Windows is nice enough as it is, in the last incarnations anyway.

If you want to get away from Windows because of political reasons,
use Mozilla and OpenOffice and you've done your share. 

If you want to get away from Windows because of technical reasons,
why would you want something that looks or acts like what you just
ran away from.

If you want to get away from Windows because of personal reasons,
get a Playstation and bitchslap prostitutes in some game.

If you want to get away from Windows because of fincancial reasons,
just warez the appz.

Am I oversimplifying stuff?


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