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Re: mp3 creation

On Sunday 11 Aug 2002 11:51 pm, Neal Lippman wrote:
> I was looking for some advice on what people are using to create mp3's. My
> task is to take .wav files from CD's (which I own) and convert them to mp3
> format; I am doing this so that I can store much of my music collection on
> my computer, but don't have the necessary space available to keep the files
> in .wav format.
> I know there are a few different mp3 encoders around, but I'm confused as
> to the various descriptions, which seem to hinge around various encoding
> algorithms.
> What are people using and what works well for this task?
> NB: I am using woody, but am willing to grab from sarge if necessary.
> Thanks.
> nl

Quick question, why don't you encode your wav files using Ogg Vorbis?
Regards, Oliver.

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