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Re: Is there an apt-get install log?

On Wed, 07 Aug 2002 23:47:44 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:

>> COLUMNS=120 dpkg -l | grep "^i" | cut -b 5- > pkgs_woody.current
>Hmm...  'dpkg -l' will truncate the name if it is too big for the
>field.  Is there a way to get the entire name?  Something similar to
>--get-selections but including the version like --list?

Bob, could you cite an example of the name being cut off?  Worst case
I've found is that a few letters of the description are lost. The
package name and version have always been complete.  (So far as I've
gt       kk5st@swbell.net
It ain't so much what you don't know that gets you in trouble---
it's what you do know that ain't so.--unk

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