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Re: Non-Browser Compliance

On 2002.06.08 15:23 Helgi Örn wrote:
Thank's for your information. I find this very interesting because
made it to a sort of a hobby to harass webmasters that ignore anything
else than IE, and those are not few. More and more sites seem to
almost exclusively IE centered, even sites that are entirely financed
with our own (tax-payers) money which of course is unacceptable.
The strongest argument we got is that this is supporting a kind of
monopoli that is reprehensible, a completely un-ethical behaviour.

Yep. I remember a while back, there was a big stink because the UK had developed an e-gov gateway that only worked with MSIE running on certain versions of Windows.

Don't know about where you're at, but in both the US and the UK there are some pretty influential tech-oriented civil liberties groups. A combination of bad press and political pressure are normally sufficient to convince the civil service folks to change their ways.


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