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Re: Red Hat user shopping around

On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 08:37:56AM +0100, Peter Whysall wrote:
| On Thu, 2002-05-09 at 07:39, Ron wrote:
| > On Thu, 2002-05-09 at 01:18, Paul 'Baloo' Johnson wrote:
| > > On Wed, 8 May 2002, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
| > [snip]
| > > - dpkg makes life easier than dealing with RPM.  The dpkg isn't a
| > > complete bitch to deal with like RPM on the command line.  You also have
| > > to make an effort to install two versions of the same package with dpkg,
| > > instead of it being the default behaviour like it is with RPM.
| > 
| > I don't remember being able to easily install 2 versions of 
| > the same package.

Use -i (install) instead of -u (upgrade).  With rpm, the version
number is kinda part of the package name.  The package name is as much
as you specify, rather than having specific delimiters like dpkg.  rpm
also allows multiple packages with the same "name" (different version)
installed, as long as no two files have the same name.  It's a real

Whenever a library goes through a major incompatible revision, debian
keeps both around as separately named packages designed to co-exist.

| > > - apt makes life easier than dealing with... oh yeah, Red Hat doesn't
| > > have anything to resolve dependancies and download packages
| > > automatically.  So apt is better than getting cozy with a bash prompt
| > > and rpmfind.net for a few hours.
| > 
| > RH now has Red Carpet, which does something similar to apt-get,
| > but I think you must go only to redhat.com.  No choosing the
| > fastest mirror.
| Not so. In fact, Red Carpet isn't part of Red Hat Linux, and you /can/
| choose your mirror. It's a product from Ximian.
| The integrated update tool is called up2date, and /does/ automatically
| resolve dependencies. In fact, you can automatically resolve
| dependencies if you have the redhat-rpmdb package installed. RPM is a
| capable packaging system, with meta-packages, dependency resolution and
| all that good stuff. The real mystery is why Ximian are the only people
| who have chosen to leverage that.

When I tried up2date (a long time ago) it really sucked and didn't
work well and supported almost no packages.

Someone has even ported apt to rpm.  It has some problems though --
it's potato's apt (no preferences) and it mmaps the Packages file.  I
tried using it (within the last few months) on a machine with 96MB
RAM.  It dies with an out-of-memory error.  Potato's apt on my 8MB
clunker _works_ even though it gets a sound thrashing in the process.



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