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Re: Red Hat user shopping around

On Thu, 2002-05-09 at 01:18, Paul 'Baloo' Johnson wrote:
> On Wed, 8 May 2002, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
> - dpkg makes life easier than dealing with RPM.  The dpkg isn't a
> complete bitch to deal with like RPM on the command line.  You also have
> to make an effort to install two versions of the same package with dpkg,
> instead of it being the default behaviour like it is with RPM.

I don't remember being able to easily install 2 versions of 
the same package.
> - apt makes life easier than dealing with... oh yeah, Red Hat doesn't
> have anything to resolve dependancies and download packages
> automatically.  So apt is better than getting cozy with a bash prompt
> and rpmfind.net for a few hours.

RH now has Red Carpet, which does something similar to apt-get,
but I think you must go only to redhat.com.  No choosing the
fastest mirror.

> - Installer's not as scary (as of Debian hamm, which was the last time I
> had to use the installer).  Yeah, it doesn't autodetect beyond what the
> kernel can (ie, you don't necissarily have to know module parameters,
> but you at least need to know which modules), but it gives you a bit
> more control over what packages get installed right off, and it doesn't
> try to partition your disk by default into a bizarre layout.

Doing a network install (over cable modem) of woody wasn't so 

| Ron Johnson, Jr.        Home: ron.l.johnson@cox.net        |
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