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Re: a modest proposal - Debian needs more $

also sprach briand@zipcon.net <briand@zipcon.net> [2002.01.21.1944 +0100]:
> So I pay - then we immediately get into the tar-pit of why should I
> pay and no one else does.  Something of a "tragedy of the commons"
> argument.

because you feel like Debian is worth paying for. it doesn't matter what
others do, it's not like we have to get $1000 and thus if you are the
only one, you have to pay $1000. it's more like any money we can get,
we'll put to good use, and if you feel like Debian is worth it, then

> The service/support does not seem to work well, e.g. postgresQL On the
> other hand, it does seem to work well: Redhat, Suse.  Just looking for

excuse me? ever done SuSE or RedHat support? they charge a lot, but in
my experience, they were either bitches, or unskilled.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
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                                                       -- jean cocteau

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