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Re: Init scripts

On Sat, Jan 19, 2002 at 03:33:56PM -0500, Timothy C. Fanelli wrote:
| D --
| dhclient worked great for me too until I upgraded the kernel to a custom
| 2.4.17... I'm wondering if maybe it's got something to do with that I
| compile the network device driver into the kernel instead of as a module
| like it is in the 2.2.20 kernel? 

Oh, ok, I know what your problem is.  Try runing dhclient from the
command line, or check the logs it will tell you the problem.

>From /usr/share/doc/dhcp-client/README.html

   One additional Linux 2.1/2.2 issue: if you get the following message, it's
   because your kernel doesn't have the linux packetfilter or raw packet
   socket configured:

     Make sure CONFIG_PACKET (Packet socket) and CONFIG_FILTER (Socket
     Filtering) are enabled in your kernel configuration

   If this happens, you need to configure your Linux kernel to support Socket
   Filtering and the Packet socket. You can do this by typing ``make
   config'', ``make menuconfig'' or ``make xconfig'', and then enabling the
   Packet socket and Socket Filtering options that you'll see displayed on
   the menu or in the questionnaire. You can also edit your linux kernel
   .config file directly: set CONFIG_FILTER=y and CONFIG_PACKET=y. If you do
   this, make sure you run ``make oldconfig'' afterwards, so that the changes
   you've made are propogated to the kernel header files. After you've
   reconfigured, you need to type ``make'' to build a new Linux kernel, and
   then install it in the appropriate place (probably /linux). Make sure to
   save a copy of your old /linux.

This was my problem on one of my 2.4.17 custom boxes at first.

| So how do I tell ifup/ifdown to use dhcpcd instead of dhclient??

No idea.

| I couldn't even find the package that had dhcpcd... I wound up just
| copying the executable off of my slackware box.

Huh, it seems to be gone in sid, but in potato it was in the 'dhcpcd'
package.  ifup/ifdown probably checks the package information to see
which dhcp client you have installed and runs that one.  If this is
the case, then copying the binary won't help you.



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rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and
humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke
is easy and my burden is light.
        Matthew 11:28-30

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