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Re: fancy MDA sought

also sprach Thorsten Haude <debian@thorstenhau.de> [2002.01.07.1345 +0100]:
> Whatever you think, Postfix starts my MDA because I tell it to in my
> ~/.forward. I've also seen this recommended for Sendmail & Procmail.
> So if you use your ~/.forward differently, you may run into problems,
> eg when one user reads the above recommendation.

this is not for my personal use. i am trying to implement a way to
do accounting for incoming mail traffic. for this to be of least hassle,
i would like to make use of postfix's virtual domain and alias database
rewriting, so that i don't have to decipher to Delivered-To header and
associate that with a user.

postfix's mailbox_command option allows the specification of an MDA that
will accept mail on STDIN. procmail is the prime candidate, but i have
*a lot* of users who employ .forward files to do mail forwarding and
other things.

the easiest solution would be to just use mailbox_command to pipe to a
perl filter, which then finally simply pipes to procmail. however, that
way, i am completely ignoring .forward files. moreover, mail should
*not* be delivered to /var/mail, but to $HOME/.maildir/ instead. calling
procmail like this:

  /usr/bin/procmail DEFAULT=$HOME/.maildir/

would solve that problem, but it still ignores the .forward files. i
just want to hide these filters from the users. not because i don't want
them to know (they will), but because they are mostly too confused. so i
want to plug this system in with the existing system, and that requires
respecting .forward files.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
"there are two major products that come out of berkeley: lsd and unix.
 we don't believe this to be a coincidence."
                                                 -- jeremy s. anderson

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