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Re: Squid in a school - problems with https

* Phillip Deackes <gsmh@gmx.co.uk> [2001.11.05 20:05:05+0000]:
> OK, thanks everyone who helped me with the problem. It was indeed an
> Internet Explorer issue. I installed Opera on a test Win 98 workstation
> and it worked perfectly. I have now taken steps to move over to Opera as
> our browser of choice. The free version does have adverts, but I have

yay! congratulations. it's a truly excellent browser that's definitely
worth the purchase (for a single version...)

but hey, for non-constant use (as in a school), the ads aren't too

> pupils see advertising on nearly every site they visit anyhow so the
> occasional advert in Opera does them no harm!

s/occasional/continuous :) but it doesn't matter...

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
quantum mechanics: the dreams stuff is made of.

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