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Re: Working with standards (was Re: Oops, forgot...)

Hall Stevenson wrote:

Finally, what I'm really interested in is the adamant MS-bashers and
when they've last used Windows. If they're soooo against it, I
assume they either never have or it's been 5+ years.


I'm a support tech at a university, keeping the PCs and Macs running for the staff and faculty (students are handled by a different sub-group of Tech Support), and I deal with and use Windows on a daily basis; NT, Win95, W2K, and a smattering of Win98. I've been doing this for ten years, although Windows didn't really come into the job until about 7 or 8 years ago, and I was a large push of getting it established (because at the time Microsoft was in my eyes "good").

However, now I reckon you could convict me of being an "adamant MS-basher." I could ramble on and on about the evils of MS, but that's not what you want. I just wanted to let you know that it hasn't been 5+ years for me; I'm immersed in it daily, and I can say unequivocally, Microsoft and its OSes suck on many levels. That's not to say that Windows doesn't have its place, or that it has no redeeming value whatsoever, but on balance, I'd just as soon that MS shrivel into nothingness.


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