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Re: ugh. more lilo probs

On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 06:10:55PM -0500, burningclown@westhost43.westhost.com wrote:
| Hi,
| This is a sort of followup to the lilo-related problems I was having
| some days ago.
| Adding the "linear" option to my /etc/lilo.conf didn't effect a fix:
| I still got the cascade of "LI" down the screen when I tried to boot
| up. SO: I uninstalled the lilo pkg, dpkg --purged it, and tried to
| reinstall.
| ... only to have dpkg complain that my /etc/fstab file, specifically
| the entry for /dev/hda3, was problematic (I wish I had the output,
| for the exact wording - something about the fact that /dev/hda3
| didn't look like a block device ... I think). For what it's worth,
| here is that file, which I have never (in my memory) touched:
| # /etc/fstab: static file system information.  # # <file system>
| <mount point>	<type>	<options>			<dump>	<pass>
| /dev/hda3	/		ext2	defaults,errors=remount-ro
| 0	1 /dev/hda2	none		swap	sw
| 0	0 proc		/proc		proc	defaults
| 0	0 /dev/fd0	/floppy		auto	defaults,user,noauto
| 0	0 /dev/cdrom	/cdrom		iso9660
| defaults,ro,user,noauto		0	0 /dev/cdrom2
| /cdrom2		iso9660 defaults,rw,user,noauto		0
| 0
| Finally, I removed lilo again, dpkg --purge 'd it and installed
| grub.  Rebooted. I *still* get the endless cascade of "LI"s.
| Where could these be coming from? I will study up on grub -- which
| seems to require some manual configuring -- but I'm stumped as to
| why this "LI" b.s. keeps happening on bootup. I'd really rather not
| have to tank this system and start fresh. Does anyone have any
| ideas?

I didn't have much luck with lilo on my system either, but grub has
worked beautifully for me.  Its configuration is really simple, though
you will have to edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file yourself.  

I suppose the boot floppy you have is working since you were able to
boot to adjust the config?  Always using a floppy is one alternative
(though not a particularly nice one).


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