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Re: pyton & perl

On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 12:21:46AM -0500, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
>     Thou shalt indent, so we'll make it a language feature and assume you
> won't do it yourself. 

I know people don't like it, that's okee with me, but I don't see how this
tie's your hands.

>     Thou shalt use lexical variables, so we'll make it a language feature and
> assume you won't do it yourself. Then we'll leave a big hole in this feature
> and not allow locals in loops or sub-blocks. 

Perl allows you to define a var and restrict its use to a single loop
construct?  Indeed a nice feature.

>     The language seems designed for weak coders, to force them to use proper,
> accepted techniques. This is good for new people, but it can burden the
> experienced. 

Nah, it's designed to promote readability:)
On the other hand it's powerfull enough to shoot of your foot *and* head
whilst aming at your toe nail.

>     I like Python, but I find that Perl just "gets the job done" more often
> for me. 

Personal preferences have a lot to do with what language suits you best.
And indeed Perl and Python each offer their own set of pecularities that
easily accounts for people prefering the own over the other.

>     BTW, I personally think that all low-level system tools should be written
> in C, so that you don't have to install every scripting language under the Sun

Right you are!
[on the other hand, if everybody was to use Python... ;]

groetjes, carel

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