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Re: I'm afraid I've been cracked.

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Alvin Oga wrote:

> check the binaries tooo...
> 	top, ps, ls, last, w, who, netstat, passwd, login, etc...

Please remember that you're speaking to a recent convert from Mandrake.
There, all I would have to do would be 'rpm -V `which top`' and rpm would
tell me if the md5sum had been changed from the original package.  Does dpkg
have a similar funcitonality? I couldn't find mention of it in the man page.

Right now I'm fiddling with md5sum, but if I understand correctly, that only
tells me the md5sum of the current file, it can't verify that the md5 sum is
"correct" (goes back to the "it's smart, not magic" argument).

Stephen W. Juranich                         sjuranic@ee.washington.edu
Electrical Engineering         http://students.washington.edu/sjuranic
University of Washington             http://rcs.ee.washington.edu/ssli

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