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Re: VMWare, Samba, and Slink

On Sat, Jun 17, 2000 at 10:06:51AM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
> Has anyone gotten the evaluation version of win4lin to work with
> Debian?  I'm running potato with kernel 2.2.16 and I applied the 2.2.16
> SMP version of the patch (the only 2.2.16 patch they had, even though I
> don't use SMP) and converted the RPM to .deb with alien (they don't
> have a .deb for the eval version, although the full version does).

It took some work, but what I did to get it to install is:

edit the install_win4lin.sh (i think that's what it's called) script, 
and change the line where it installs the package using rpm 
(ie. rpm -i win4lin.rpm or something like that) to rpm -i --nodeps 
win4lin.rpm. Otherwise it complains about /bin/sh not being installed 
(since we have nothing else in the RPM database). This way, you can 
install it using RPM instead of dpkg (i tried what you did first too 
but got the same problem). Now set the environment variable which it 
checks to see which package system to use (sorry, can't remember what 
it was exactly) to rpm. Run the script, it should work now.


Geert-Jan Van den Bogaerde

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