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Re: PPP and cdparanoia

often when ripping from an IDE drive cpu utilization goes through the
roof, try reducing the speed at which you rip cds, i can rip and be online
with no problem..i can rip and be online and play quake no problem..course
my scsi drives seem to top out at 1X for reading CDA


On Wed, 5 Jan 2000, Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:

alisda >I've noticed that if my machine is connected to the Internet using
alisda >PPP, and I start to rip a CD using grip or cdparanoia (both use
alisda >libcdparanoia), the PPP link heavily drops packets and often the line
alisda >drops. This is A Bad Thing. It happens even wen cdparanoia is set to
alisda >priority 20 (top shows that this is the case and it's not just
alisda >pretending).
alisda >
alisda >I'm using kernel 2.2.14 and the machine is a PII-400 with 128MB of RAM
alisda >and an ATAPI CDROM drive.
alisda >
alisda >Can this be fixed by changing some configuration? Is it a
alisda >bug/misfeature in the kernel, or something like that? I haven't
alisda >tested it on my SCSI machine yet: possibly the IDE PIO stuff is the
alisda >problem.
alisda >
alisda >Could someone test this on their machine for me and see if it occurs?
alisda >-- 
alisda >alisdair mcdiarmid                                    alisdair@jml.net
alisda >[the day is done but i'm having fun i think i'm dumb maybe just happy]
alisda >
alisda >
alisda >-- 
alisda >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe debian-user-request@lists.debian.org < /dev/null
alisda >

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