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Re: Adaptec 2940 UW

On 8 Dec 1999, Arcady Genkin wrote:

a.genk >Gary, thanks a lot for your reply. I'd like to seek another advice
a.genk >then. For what I'll be using the card, a simple SCSI2 card would
a.genk >suffice just fine (I'll have 3 devices on it: CD-R, CDROM, and a
a.genk >scanner).

I believe the 2940UW (or any ultra wide card for that matter) would have
an faster onboard processor(i think the 2940uw has a 40mhz risc chip on
it) would provide better throughput and less cpu % during i/o
transactions. nice to be able to burn cds with load ~5-6 and not get
buffer underruns(never had abuffer underrun in linux btw)

a.genk >If chosing *only* from the point of view of compatibility and
a.genk >stability, shoudl I get the 2940UW or 2940U? Would it matter at all?

2940UW for sure, the UW spec is becomming obsolete fast, and the U spec is
really obsolete(20mb/s) the 2940UW has no problem running some ultra 2
drives as well, I've tried IBM and quantum myself. I hear that seagate
Ultra 2's dont work well/at all on an ultra wide controller.

a.genk >I figured 2940UW, because it seems that the card is newer, and I
a.genk >thought that it would be better.

or you could seek out an ultra 2 controller.. Ultra 3 scsi is not really
effective until we get a faster PCI bus (PCI = 133MB/s Ultra 3 =
160MB/s) not to mention its sooo $$.  If i were buying a scsi card now I'd
get an ultra 2. but i'd get an 2940UW over a 2940U any day.


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