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Re: Adaptec 2940 UW

On 8 Dec 1999, Gary Hennigan wrote:

glhenn >My only complaint isn't with the 2940UW, but with the UW spec
glhenn >itself. It's pretty finicky about things like cable-length and
glhenn >termination. Quite a pain to keep it within spec.

yeah, best to have at least 1 drive on each cable that supports
termination, that way you don't eat a valuable connection on the
cable(damn those things are $$) and it saves more $ since u dont need the
terminator in the first place.  my Ultra 2 scsi IBM doesnt terminate but I
have my Ultra wide scsi ibm terminate for it, works great. and have my
6.7x toshiba cdrom terminate my scsi2 chain(with a cd-r and a jaz)


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