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Re: Bind

On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, Brian Schramm wrote:

> I am using one machine to run Debian 2.1.  I do not have a network but I want
> bind to handle caching of DNS inquires.  I am doing this so I can use the
> sendmail genericstable and virtualtable and convert my addresses to the ones I
> want to have everyone use for replys.
> My problem is now if I am not connected to the net, everything stops when I
> send a message.  I have not changed my sendmail configuration yet to vurtual
> hosting so I cannot see where that is the problem.  
> I installed the bind package with no forwarding so it is in caching setup.
> Thanks for all the help.

It also happened to me with qmail-pop3d, although it does not stop only it
waits until it timeouts with contacting some other sites which means
about 2-3 minutes. These sites are probably the root sites. If you look at
the log, you will see a network unreachable line in it, after you connect
to sendmail. Try removing the root servers hint from it. Or if it does not
help, then set up /etc/hosts on the sendmail site. It might help.

The other thing that did help at me, to connect a minute to the network,
you can do this even before even trying to send a letter. It did put away
the wait at connecting to my qmail-pop3d.

Robert Varga

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