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Re[2]: cdrom read/mounting problem

Thanks for the help in blowing away the old file; and the kernal reports
that mcd.o is loaded fine.  We're getting close....  Now when I try to
mount or when I do the "dd" command below, I get a page-long error message.
 The last line before I get a prompt back is

Segmentation fault

I've read the helptext around dd and I gather that we're just seeing if we
can read *anything* off the cdrom.  So what does the segmentation fault
tell me?

> : kernal does detect the drive upon starting.  But Step 4, below fails.
> : Briefly, step 4 is to test if I can read from the drive.  I do:
> : 
>Yeah, cos your /dev/cdrom symlink is still wrong.  What happens with
>  dd if=/dev/mcd of=/dev/null bs=2048

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