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Re: [Debian] iso9660 in 2.0.34 ?

On Wed, Jul 15, 1998 at 08:46:35AM +0000, Matthew Collins wrote:
> On 14 Jul 1998 18:21:21 -0500, you wrote:
> Does make-kpkg run config for you? It dosn't say. 

It does not run config...you have to run make [menu,x]config yourself

> I run make config
> first, and the run make-kpkg. Off it goes and makes my kernel. I
> wonder off to make a cup of tea, and do the washing up. Come back and
> it's finished.
> It hasn't made or installed the modules, it hasn't put the kernel into
> /boot. All it seems to have done is compile my kernel for me.

right...go up on elevel (usually to /usr/src/) and you should see
a .deb file int hat directory...
just install that deb as if it were any other deb package
just dpkg -i ...
it will install the kernel and the modules.
Then save that deb for later....have to re-install the system?? want
an identical kenrel somewhere else...
there it is
> how do we USE this marvelous package? Is there any documentation,


/* -- Stephen Carpenter <sjc@delphi.com> ------------------------------ */
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