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Re: Size of ttfonts in Netscape?

On Wed, Jul 15, 1998 at 01:04:15PM +0200, Thomas Apel wrote:
> sjc@delphi.com wrote:
> > 
> > I was just playing with this a little more....
> > I think this si a bug in netscape...
> > It apears that Netscape does not handle the truetype fonts well
> > You can go into prefs and fix it...but...if you exit netscape
> > and come back in it does not remember the font size that you used.
> I didn't notice that I can use the text entry box although the check box
> is greyed out. But as you said it does not remember the settings. And
> yes I'm using Communicator 4.04.

yes its true...amazingly... for me anyway it seems to do the
same thing for proportional fonts but...it remembers the settings
I put...weird

> > I would recomend not using truetype fixed with fonts with netscape :(
> Well, I already do so again. :-( As you mentioned the new mozilla: Can I
> change the size with it permantly and how usable is it overall?

mozilla is useable...but...not exactly "ready".
Sometimes it puts the underline for links above the link...little things
like that
it does work tho...bu ton the whole looks just like Netscape...with
some missing bells and whistles.

/* -- Stephen Carpenter <sjc@delphi.com> ------------------------------ */
A favorite quote from a source I forget:
"Only Microsoft can take an algorithim that has been under years of
public scrutiny and weaken it to the point where the entire key space
can be searched in 3 days"

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