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newbie ppp problem


Having problems setting up ppp. I think its actually a unix
problem rather than a hardware one, but this is my first try with
a Linux system so may be wrong.  Here's the details anyway:

I have a Sysprano internal modem with Rockwell chip set (uart
is labelled RCV336ACF/SF). setserial reports:
/dev/ttyS1, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x02f8, Baud_base 115200,
close_delay: 50, divisor 0, IRQ 3, closing_wait 3000, closing_wait2 infinite, 
Flags: spd_normal, skip_list, session_lockout
When I start 'pon', the modem beeps as if engaged but never dials
a number. 'plog' reports:
abort on (NO DIALTONE)
send (ATDT^M)
expect (<my ISPs phone no>)
pppd2.0 started by root, uid 0
Device ttyS1 is locked by pid 170
Busy -- failed
Failed (Busy)
Connect script failed

The process that seems to be causing the problem is:
sbin/mgetty ttyS1

but I don't know why this is running, what its doing, and I can't
find where its started up from. Any help appreciated!


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