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Re: Debian Linux and W95 coexist?

On Sat, May 02, 1998 at 12:50:51AM +0000, Rev . Joseph Carter wrote:
> Boot Manager is a little weird though with Linux.  At least it was with IBM
> fdisk in OS/2.  Problem was that you could not ADD a type 83 partition to
> Boot Manager but you could create an unformatted partition, add that, then
> change its type in Linux fdisk..  In order for it to boot, you still needed
> lilo on the partition, but that's no biggie.

Really? I used to use Boot Manager (installed by OS/2 FDISK) and I never
had this problem that I recall. These days I use the NT boot manager,
which is a bit more convenient in terms of maintainence and partition
requirements, but is harder to set up initially. (Use BOOTPART, though.)

Hamish Moffatt, hamish@debian.org, hamish@rising.com.au, hmoffatt@mail.com
Latest Debian packages at ftp://ftp.rising.com.au/pub/hamish. PGP#EFA6B9D5
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