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Re: [OFF TOPIC] Linus Torvalds, the man of the century

Þann 12-Apr-98 skrifar Britton:
> I am not ashamed to admit that I think Linus and the system and philosophy
> he has come to represent are extremely important.  Linux is more than a
> great OS, it's the largest and most advanced technological achievment of a
> group of volunteers in all of history.  Ford was almost a Nazi, and
> McArthur, though useful, was hardly an original article.  Personally I
> think the world would be a much better place if an advanced math or
> science degree was a prerequisite for public service.  Repeal the nativity
> claus!  Linus for president! 
  Yeah, I'd really love to see my old math teacher as some serious
public candidate.  Geez... now there was a luny toon if there ever was
one.  :-)

Orn Einar Hansen                         oe.hansen@oehansen.pp.se
                                        voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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